Divination is a fascinating practice that spans across cultures and centuries.

Magic Answers plugin can offer both funny and serious divination readings to add a touch of charm to your website. Users can interact with the widget to receive lighthearted or insightful responses to their queries.

Whether your visitors are seeking a good laugh or profound insights, the Magic Answers plugin adds a unique and engaging element to your WordPress site.

The Magic 8 Ball

A classic and whimsical form of divination! It’s a fun and lighthearted way to seek answers to pressing questions.

While the Magic 8 Ball is more of a novelty or a toy, it’s a delightful way to inject a bit of playfulness into decision-making or to spark a laugh among friends. It’s a reminder that not all divination has to be taken seriously, and sometimes, a touch of whimsy is just what we need.
Need a seeking advice? Click and shake it!

It is certain

Click Me

Your creativity knows no bounds. Express yourself freely.
Concentrate and Click

The Crystal Sphere

Explore the timeless elegance of this divination tool and add a touch of magic to your spiritual journey.

Elevate your space with the beauty and mysticism of the crystal ball, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

La bocca della verità

Also known as The Mouth of Truth (Italian: Bocca della Verità [ˈbokka della veriˈta]) is a a legendary and intriguing piece of art and folklore located in Rome.

Legend has it that if you stick your hand into the Mouth of Truth and tell a lie, the mouth will snap shut, severing your hand as punishment for dishonesty.

The tradition of placing one’s hand in the Mouth of Truth comes from medieval times when it was believed to serve as a divine judge of truthfulness.

Would you dare to try?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam at neque tempor, euismod nisl id, vulputate lacus.
Tel me truth

Oracle cards

Oracle cards are a delightful and versatile tool for divination, offering a wide range of themes and artwork. Unlike tarot cards, oracle decks don’t adhere to a standardized structure, allowing for more creative freedom in their design and interpretation.

Some decks include affirmations, empowering messages, or action steps, making them not only a tool for divination but also for personal growth and reflection.

Love and friendship will play a significant role in your life. Cherish those connections.
The stars are aligned in your favor. Good fortune is on its way.
In your quest for wisdom, you’ll find that chocolate is a great source.
The universe has a great sense of humor. Expect some cosmic jokes.
  • Unlimited sets of answers
  • 4 types of widgets
  • 4 different cards
  • Custom cards
  • Custom call to action buttons
  • Future updates
  • 6 months support